That’s a loaded question. Professionally, I am a Creative Producer and Strategist with a diverse background in writing, production, creative development, AI-based content creation, and AI creative storytelling. I’m highly organized and passionate, and am comfortable working with teams or taking the lead on branded projects.
B.A. English Literature
Minor in Speech and Language TechnologiesUC Santa Barbara
2015-2019French Language Immersion Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon / 2017-2018
Creative Producer (Media Lab) / AI Foundation 2021 - Present
Work alongside the Chief Creative Officer and team on creative development for brands and the entertainment space.
Create and pitch original projects. Past clients include MGM, Columbia Records, and The City of Las Vegas.
Serve as the client-facing producer for all projects: manage calendars, timelines, and project organization for the creative department
Associate Creative Director / AI Foundation 2020 - 2021
Assisted in writing, image research, and layouts for pitch decks and presentations.
Assisted with administrative tasks and physical production.
Co-created viral TikTok accounts @jojobiden46 and @jollyoldman which have garnered over 100 million views and engagement.
Commercial Treatment Writer / Freelance 2019 - Present
Write treatments for top commercial directors at production companies: Prettybird, Markenfilm, GoEast, and others and for brands including Facebook, BMW, Southwest Airlines, Jack in the Box, Logitech and others.
Assisted in creating decks for commercial and television pitch decks.
Office Production Assistant / Bunim-Murray Productions 2019 - 2020
Assisted the Operations Department by managing the mailroom and working the front desk.
Covered high-level executive desks which included scheduling meetings, rolling calls, managing heavy schedules.
Organized special events and oversaw weekly food and drink delivery, distribution, and organization for all office kitchens and break rooms (300+ employees).
Research Assistant / UCSB English and Linguistics Departments 2017 - 2019
Researched and analyzed newly discovered languages from South America.
Worked on projects that combined digital art, computer programming, and ecological restoration.
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
Microsoft Office Suite
Google Workspace
Social Media Marketing
Languages: English (native) and French (proficiency)
Familiar w/ Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro
Available upon request.