
  • That’s a loaded question. Professionally, I am a Creative Producer and Strategist with a diverse background in writing, production, creative development, AI-based content creation, and AI creative storytelling. I’m highly organized and passionate, and am comfortable working with teams or taking the lead on branded projects. 

  • B.A. English Literature
    Minor in Speech and Language Technologies

    UC Santa Barbara

    French Language Immersion Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon / 2017-2018

  • Creative Producer (Media Lab) / AI Foundation 2021 - Present

    • Work alongside the Chief Creative Officer and team on creative development for brands and the entertainment space.

    • Create and pitch original projects. Past clients include MGM, Columbia Records, and The City of Las Vegas.

    • Serve as the client-facing producer for all projects: manage calendars, timelines, and project organization for the creative department

    Associate Creative Director / AI Foundation 2020 - 2021

    • Assisted in writing, image research, and layouts for pitch decks and presentations. 

    • Assisted with administrative tasks and physical production.

    • Co-created viral TikTok accounts @jojobiden46 and @jollyoldman which have garnered over 100 million views and engagement.

    Commercial Treatment Writer / Freelance 2019 - Present

    • Write treatments for top commercial directors at production companies: Prettybird, Markenfilm, GoEast, and others and for brands including Facebook, BMW, Southwest Airlines, Jack in the Box, Logitech and others.

    • Assisted in creating decks for commercial and television pitch decks. 

    Office Production Assistant / Bunim-Murray Productions 2019 - 2020

    • Assisted the Operations Department by managing the mailroom and working the front desk.

    • Covered high-level executive desks which included scheduling meetings, rolling calls, managing heavy schedules.

    • Organized special events and oversaw weekly food and drink delivery, distribution, and organization for all office kitchens and break rooms (300+ employees). 

    Research Assistant / UCSB English and Linguistics Departments 2017 - 2019

    • Researched and analyzed newly discovered languages from South America. 

    • Worked on projects that combined digital art, computer programming, and ecological restoration. 

    • Adobe Photoshop 

    • Adobe After Effects

    • Microsoft Office Suite 

    • Google Workspace

    • Social Media Marketing

    • Languages: English (native) and French (proficiency)

    • Familiar w/ Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro

  • Available upon request.